What We Do

Welcome to Advent Lutheran Church

Advent Lutheran Church is a member of a the Metropolitan New York Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.  Visit the ELCA website for more information on the Lutheran church and Lutheran heritage.


Learn more about our people.









every Sunday 

at 10am.




Our interim Pastor, Rev. Dr. Charles R. Vogeley      


2nd Sunday in Advent

December 8, 2024


Advent Info for members & friends of

Advent Lutheran Church, Mattituck


“On St. John the Baptist”

(translation of a poem penned by Philip Melancthon (a fellow Reformer of Martin Luther) by E.J. Hutchinson.  The poem could be sung to any Long Meter hymn tune such as “I Know that My Redeemer Lives.”   Try singing as you read.   FYI. The “twofold Word” is the Law and the Gospel.  The Law, showing us our sin and need for a Savior, “slays” us.  The Gospel, showing what God has done for us in Christ, “raises” and revives us.


To God, eternal Father, sing,
All churches: Let your praises ring,
Because he sent St. John to tell
His twofold Word that tramples hell.

He ordered moral evil purged;
With terror of the law he urged
That all repent of pride, in fear—
The Judge would soon be drawing near.

But those cut down by terror’s knife
He called to certain hope of life,
And with his finger marked the Lamb
Of God, who only can undamn.

These things, with adamantine heart,
He taught; the herald played his part,
Proclaiming that the King would come
As dawn foretells the rising sun.

The Pharisees could not grind down
The hero’s spirit. He was found
To be Elijah, come again
To castigate their two-faced sin.

You, highest Father, we implore
To raise our weary hearts once more,
So that we truly can believe
St. John’s divine testimony.


Second Sunday in Advent

          For hundreds of years the Judeans in the Southern Kingdom and Israelites in the Northern Kingdom of Israel earnestly longed for a priest to represent them to God, for a prophet to guide them, and a king to lead them.  All their leaders fell short, including the few kings in the Hebrew Bible who, according to the Deuteronomist editor, “did what was right in the sight of the Lord.”  The upcoming Christmas season celebrates how Jesus the Christ is the fulfillment of God's promise:  He is our perfect Priest, Prophet, and King. He is everything we long for and need!

          We meet in tomorrow’s readings prophets like Malachi and John the Baptizer.  With important God-given roles, they prepare the Lord’s way.  Malachi prepares the way for God to enter His Temple to rekindle awe and observant worship.  Judeans after returning home from exile in Babylonian were initially excited to rebuild the city, the Temple, promising to be faithful to God’s covenant with them.  But how human nature works! They became lazy and took for granted God’s faithfulness and promises. In like manner, John the Baptizer’s ministry prepares Judeans and, ultimately, the entire world, for God’s incarnation as Prophet, Priest and King. Whenever we fall prey to human nature and turn aside, the Holy Spirit calls us to turn back to the Lord.

          Tomorrow’s Bible readings are Malachi 3:1-4; Luke 1:68-79 as the psalmody; Philippians 1:3-11 and, Saint Luke 3:1-6.



Tomorrow’s hymns are Blessed Be the God of Israel,” “Light One Candle to Watch for Messiah,” “He Came Down,” “On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry,” and “Comfort, Comfort Now My People.”

          ________________is Assisting Minister and the Lector is __________.  Choristers Marilee Scheer & Todd Suprina provide special music accompanied by Kathy Richards on the back-in-shape organ.  Ushers are Michele & David Wells. Coffee hostess is Jean Vogeley.  

          The Floral Vases are given by Stacey Moyer in loving memory and in honor of our loved ones. 

Your prayers are requested for Linda BencoRon Breuer (Dec. 9th surgery), Ron Dobert, Joan Dowdle, Alice Dzvonar, Debrah Greco, Otto Kirschner, Maria Mannetta, Bp. Angela ShannonKarinn Smolly & Barbara Suprina.  



Poinsettias for the Chancel at Christmas


Last call! Time to order Poinsettia plants to adorn the Altar for Christmas. Poinsettia plants are $15.00 each.  A sign-up sheet can be found on the Ushers’ desk in the Bryant Room. Poinsettias will be on display December 22nd through December 29th.  If you have any questions, please contact Marilee Scheer at MarileeScheer@gmail.com


‘Tis the Season to prepare for Commitment Sunday in January 2025.  Everyone should have received a mailing in which we ask you to prayerfully consider the following:  Pray daily for Advent, your sisters & brothers in Christ, and the congregation’s mission.

  1. Commit to weekly worship.
  2. Your willingness to serve a 3-year term on Council.
  3. Participate in ABC!  (Advent’s Buttress Collection)
  4. Tithe the biblical 10%, or the modern 5%, to the Lord.  Strive toward the goal of biblical tithing by adding 2% of your income to your current giving to the Lord.
  5. Remember Advent in your estate plan.


If you’ve been auto-debit contributing through Thrivent’s Vanco program, and if you want to increase or decrease your automatic giving amount in 2025, please contact Otto Schmid. He’ll help you file your giving plan.