What We Do
Welcome to Advent Lutheran Church
Advent Lutheran Church is a member of a the Metropolitan New York Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Visit the ELCA website for more information on the Lutheran church and Lutheran heritage.
Learn more about our people.
every Sunday
at 10am.
Our interim Pastors, Rev. Laurie Cline
Rev.Dr. Charles R. Vogeley
Sadly, it became clear this week that the danger to our brothers and sisters in California from wildfires is still very immediate.
Let us continue to pray for them and please give to Lutheran Disaster Relief or another aid provider of your choice.
Holy God, in you alone we find safety and shelter. Be a sure refuge to all suffering from wildfires.
Grant courage, protection, and favorable weather to firefighters and emergency responders; embrace with supportive communities all who are newly displaced or homeless; comfort those grieving all that has been destroyed and give patience to those who are anxious, not knowing when relief will come.
Heal your whole creation, that out of flame and ashes new growth will spring forth.
We pray through Jesus Christ, our life and our strength.
(A prayer for those affected by natural disasters from "All Creation Sings")
Annual Meeting - the annual meeting of the congregation will be held this Sunday, January 26, following worship. We appreciate your making every effort to attend! We need your support - talent, time and treasure - to help Advent continue our ministry and dream for the future. Thank you to all who pledged your financial support for the coming year.
Advent SIsters will meet this coming Friday, January 31, from 1-3 pm. Please join us!