Greetings Advent members and friends,
January 20 is the day we celebrate the life and dreams of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. Lara Downes wrote an article for WSHU radio about the day at our capitol when he delivered
his iconic speech, which has come to be remembered as the"I Have A Dream" speech. We are moved by his eloquent words, and I remember being very proud when my oldest grandson, who was
only six at the time, began to recite that portion of the speech which he had memorized. Yet sometimes we forget how challenging it could be to attend rallies and support things like the civil rights
movement at that time - and to some extent, today. Below is an excerpt from Downe's article in which she describes the mixed feelings experienced by the actor Rita
The other
night, I heard an interview with Rita Moreno, who was standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial that day, just about 10 feet from Dr. King. She went to the march because Harry
Belafonte had invited her, and it was an unforgettable experience that changed her life. But, she said, she was terrified to attend. She'd just won an Academy Award for her role as Anita
in West Side Story — the first Latina ever to win an Oscar. Participating in the march threatened
serious professional implications; she was afraid she'd never work again, that she'd be blacklisted in Hollywood. She was afraid of the physical violence that so easily could have broken out that
day. But, in her own words: "At some point in life, one has to take responsibility … one has to be responsible for what is." She faced her fears, and showed up.
Lately I have been thinking about the words of Rev. Dr. King and how they apply to us today. Not just in the important task of working for civil rights for all people, but also in
terms of who we are at Advent and the future we envision. Dreams and visions have been an important part of our scriptural heritage for centuries. The prophet Joel said,
"17‘In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy, and
your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. "
It is my hope that together we can envision and dream about the possibilities
for this congregation, which is small but mighty, in a time when the church as an institution seems to be losing relevance to so many people. Rather than being terrified by the future, let us show up
and take responsibility which will hopefully help us to have unforgettable experiences.
This week's gospel reading is about the wedding at Cana, when Mary recognized
that it provided a kairos moment for Jesus to reveal the power given him by God, and Jesus responded (after first being kind of "fresh" to his mother!) by providing wine in abundance, beyond anything
needed for the moment. As we trust that Jesus always provides in abundance, may we find hope in the abundant possibilities that lie before us.
You will find the bulletin below. Those serving on Sunday
Presiding Minister: Pastor Vogeley
Organist: Kathy Richards
Reader: Stacey Moyer
Assisting Minister:TBD
Ushers: David & Michele Wells
Coffee Host: Elena Dobert
Flowers are given to thank the Advent family for their love and support (by an Advent member)
As always thanks to our
choir and altar guild for their gifts which they share each Sunday.
Please note the following information and important
The family of Alice Dzvonar asks that we pray for comfort and healing for her
as her cancer has recurred after being in remission for many years.
Collection for CAST
Please remember we’re collecting toothpaste,
toothbrushes, dental floss, deodorants, diapers, soap, toilet paper, and paper towels for CAST. Non-perishable food is also being gathered. Thank
We are
preparing for Commitment Sunday in January 2025. Everyone should have received a mailing in which we ask you to prayerfully
consider the following: Pray daily for Advent, your sisters & brothers in Christ, and the congregation’s mission.
- Commit to weekly worship.
- Your willingness to serve a 3-year term on Council.
- Participate in ABC! (Advent’s Buttress Collection)
- Tithe the biblical 10%, or the modern 5%, to the Lord. Strive toward the goal of biblical tithing by adding 2% of your income to your current
giving to the Lord.
- Remember Advent in your estate plan.
If you’ve been auto-debit contributing through
Thrivent’s Vanco program, and if you want to increase or decrease your automatic giving amount in 2025, please contact Otto Schmid. He will help you file your
giving plan.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the discussion and approval of the MSP
(Ministry Site Plan) . It now awaits the approval of the church council at the meeting on Monday, January 20.
- The annual meeting of the congregation will be held on Sunday, January 26th as established by Council. This meeting includes reports of FY2024, a proposed 2025 Financial Program for Jesus Christ In and Through Advent for consideration and adoption, election of Council members, and reports by the Spiritual & Temporal Committees and by the 2024 transition pastor. I
will represent the Synod at the meeting. Please plan to attend.
- There will be a gathering of Advent Sisters on Friday, January 31 from 1-3 pm. We invite all women to join
us as we plan for 2025.